Castle Rock, Kansas by Jamie Lynn Heller

He climbed up through history once buried,Bio Pic

petrified layers of an ancient sea,

his undeterred energy conquered all

eighty feet with only his hands

and untried will as he grappled with a tower

standing against wind owned plains


while our teacher, his veins bulging

through skin settling comfortably into age

and full of a stronger vintage, waited

with his field worn boot propped on a fallen bolder,

waited for what he knew this boy would find at the top,

what would, cackling in his ear, pop his bravado,

alert him to his place in the world,


and when it was time, the man

stepped forward, slapped billows of fine chalk powder

from his faded jeans, adjusted his hat, looked straight up

at the boy clutching the top

of a precarious table,

and then calmly, soothingly,

talked him down.

~ Jamie Lynn Heller


Jamie Lynn Heller writes: I have two young girls, the perfect spouse, a high school counseling career I love, and I get to write. It’s a productive day when I can squeeze in a half hour or so to devote to poetry. Publications: Prairie Schooner, Main Street Rag, Noctua Review, Flint Hills Review, I-70 review, Avocet, Little Balkans Review, and others.

First published by Wilderness House Literary Review Summer 2012

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